This paper describes WIREGRID Version 3. The latest version,
4.00, incorporates some useful new features for viewing the
model. These are :
- The model can now be plotted as if viewed along on of the
three axes, X, Y or Z. (Actually, there are six, not
three, options here, since x and X rotate the view by 180o.)
- The user can now toggle perspective on and off. The default is
to show the model in perspective, but there are cases where it
is more convenient to remove this facility, such as when the
model is viewed along an axis.
- The display can now be switched to monochrome mode on
colour screens. (There is no effect on monochrome screens).
This is useful for doing screen-prints and screen-captures; for
example, the screen-capture utility that was used to generate
Figures~#car1#367> and #car2#368> in this paper produces
satisfactory images from a monochrome display, but not from a
coloured one.